


  1. Medicaltourism.com.tr is not involved in the provision of any healthcare or medical advice or diagnosis.
  2. All information provided on the website is intended as a guide only and should not be construed as a substitute for professional medical advice.
  3. The website is an information service only where healthcare providers can offer medical services for purchase by you via the website.
  4. We do not screen or validate any content posted by healthcare providers, nor do we endorse any particular healthcare provider.
  5. If you decide to engage a healthcare provider to provide medical services to you, you do so at your own risk.
  6. We would recommend that you undertake your own research into any healthcare provider listed on the website and that you should consult with your doctor or primary healthcare provider before engaging any healthcare provider from this website.
  7. You should be aware that the results of any search you perform on the website for healthcare providers should not be construed as endorsement by Medicaltourism.com.tr of any particular healthcare provider or constituting any comparative ranking of healthcare providers.
  8. All prices shown on the site are indicative only and presented as a general guide.

Always consult with your treatment provider for an accurate estimate.